About Us
Leadership Profiles
Name: Roger Wilson
Current Position: Chief
Clan: Gunn
Year Joined: 1999, then 2007
Previous Position: Governor-at-Large
Fàilte. Gu ma fada beò Alba! Gu ma fada beò cultaran agus traidiseanan muinntir na h-Alba! Welcome. Long live Scotland! Long live the cultures and traditions of the people of Scotland!
Name: Cora Peterson
Current Position: Deputy Chief
Clan: Douglas
Year Joined: 2002
Previous Positions: Governor-at-Large, Deputy Chief, Chief
My husband Mark Peterson and I have been involved with the Fresno Scottish Society for 18 years. Being a member of the Fresno Scottish Society is an enriching part of my life. Please consider joining the Fresno Scottish Society.
Name: Tom Simpson
Current Position: Steward
Clan: Fraser
Year Joined: 2010
Previous Position: Chief
My family and I have been associated with Clan Fraser in Northern and Central California for over 20 years. As the Northern California Convenor, we have taken the Clan Fraser tent to most of the gatherings and games throughout central and northern California. We rejoined the Scottish Society of Central California in 2010 and have enjoyed being active in the Society since then helping at all of the Society's events.
Name: Holly Swindells-Simpson
Current Position: Scribe
Clan: Fraser
Year Joined: 2010
Being a part of the Scottish Society of Central California has given me great pleasure, and being the current Scribe I get to work with a group of enthusiastic, interesting, humorous, and caring Scots of different clans.
Name: Robert Ashby
Current Position: Sennachie
Clan: Stewart
This is my first experience with the Fresno Scottish Society, therefore it is my first position in the Society. The first time I had learned about the Scottish Society was in 2016. The Our first Scottish games were the 2017 games. We joined Fresno Scottish Society after finding out about it.
Name: Robyn Frasier-Gutierrez
Current Position: Games Chieftan
Clan: Fraser
Year Joined: 1998
Previous Positions: Chief, Deputy Chief, Scribe, Games Chieftain
My sister and I had just visited Scotland for three weeks in the summer of 1998. Then in the newspaper was an advertisement for the Fresno Scottish Highland Gathering and Games in September.
The Games were still at Coombs Riverbend Ranch then and we happened to meet Games Chieftain Bill McCallum (Past Chief of the Society) and he gave us a tour of the Glenn and for those of us who still remember, it was like walking into a glenn in the Highlands. He also told us of the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan which was held the day after; we went to that also and had our Fraser (Frasier) tartan blessed. We were so into our family history, I joined the Society at the next monthly meeting and have been involved ever since.
Name: Bradbury Stewart Millar
Current Position: Governor-at-Large
Clan: MacFarlane
Year Joined: 2009
Previous Positions: Governor-at-Large, Sennachie, Deputy Chief, Chief
The first I heard that Fresno had a Scottish society was in the early 2000s when I saw an advertisement for the Highland Gathering and Games taking place at Coombs’ Ranch in Madera County. Having lived in Scotland twice during my childhood, and knowing of my Scottish heritage, I was more than excited to attend. The bagpipes, drums, clan booths, pageantry, and kilts took me immediately back to my times in Edinburgh and the great memories of my times
there. Within a few years, I attended a Robert Burns supper in Clovis and had the good fortune of sitting between Robyn Gutierrez and Karen Roberts, who both warmly welcomed me and encouraged me to join, which I promptly did. Since then, it has been my pleasure and good fortune to be involved in the Fresno Scottish Society and to serve in leadership since 2013. I consider it an honor and privilege, and hope to be involved for many years to come.
Name: Don Fraser
Current Position: Governor-at-Large
Clan: Fraser of Lovat
Year Joined: 2018
I am excited in my new role as Governor at Large and hope I can help promote the society and its goals throughout the Central Valley.