General Announcements
December 28, 2020: Details regarding the Fresno Scottish Society's virtual Annual Burns Supper have been updated on the Events page. Please be sure to check it out!
December 12, 2020: The Fresno Scottish Society is sad to announce the passing of Steven Garrison (August 3, 1949 - December 3, 2020). From Steven's family:

"Steven Chester Garrison passed December 3, 2020 at home among many friends and family. Born in Fresno California to Chester Garrison and Edna Micheli Garrison, survived by his wife of 17 years Sharee Z Garrison, son Michael Garrison, daughter Victoria Apedaile, stepchildren Christopher Erickson, Gretchen Erickson, Matthew Zimmerle, Michael Zimmerle, 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren. He owned his own gardening business in Fresno/Clovis for 28 years. Active in the Scottish society of Central
California, Renaissance fairs, and local SteamPunk group. He loved to wear costumes, and be with friends! A friend to all, a patient ear, an unconditionally loving personality. Memorial to be announced in the spring 2021."
(Via: https://www.legacy.com/amp/obituaries/fresnobee/197271192)

December 2, 2020: Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, the Fresno Scottish Society's Annual Burns Supper will be held virtually. Details to come.
October 29, 2020: Due to COVID-19, the Fresno Scottish Society will not be hosting its annual Saint Andrew's Ceilidh. The annual election of board members will be postponed.